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Laramie Knifeworks -- Spalted Dogwood Burl and Ironwood and Trout Damascus Drop Point Knife


Knife Type: Bird and Trout Damascus Drop Point 
Blade Length: 3 inches
Overall Length:  6 11/16 inches
Blade Steel: "Hailstorm" pattern Damascus High Carbon Steel
Handle Material: Spalted Dogwood Burl 

Bolster Material: Ironwood 

Filework: On top of blade
Sheath: Cordovan Leather
Additional Information: Dogwood trees symbolize life. The dogwood blossom that springs every Spring indicates the end of winter (death) and the beginning of a new life. Dogwood trees also represent joy and beauty that a new life or rebirth brings. The color white represents purity and innocence. According to legend, Jesus was crucified on a cross that was made from a dogwood tree. The flower of the dogwood tree has four pedals, like the four posts of a cross, and the center of the flower resembles the crown of thorns. Occasionally, a dogwood tree would produce a burl which is a growth in which the grain is radically deformed because of some stress or damage and makes knots and swirly figure. This particular piece of dogwood burl is also spalted which makes for outrageous figure and wonderful character.

Ironwood is native to the Sonoran Desert and is found in Mexico Arizona, and California. The wood it produces is so hard and dense that it sinks in water. It was typically used for firewood and charcoal. The wood is not in immediate danger  of extinction but is a protected wood in Mexico. The wood I use is from dead trees that are over 200 years old and is legally obtained. This particular piece provides a nice contrast to the Spalted Dogwood Burl.

Price: $200
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